Hurrying to school eagerly dressed as knights, Lords, Ladies, Kings, Queens, Princes and a dragon, Year 1 were on their way to celebrate ‘Christmas at the Castle’! In the morning, we painted shields to adorn the walls and designed placemats for the tables, all fit for a festive feast!
We entered the Great Hall to the sound of a lute, which gently played as the Lord and Lady took their seats. We were then invited to tuck into a sumptuous banquet of bread, cheese, ham and fruit, which was kindly provided by our kitchens. We were served ‘wine’ in the goblets we had decorated with gold, silver and the finest of jewels. We took turns providing the after dinner entertainment, most memorable of which may well be the juggling jester and cornet playing minstrel! What fun we had learning the steps to a medieval dance!
What a super way to celebrate a fantastic term and the end of an inspiring topic, ‘Castles and Crowns’.
From the Year 1 Team