The curriculum at King’s College School provides a broad and balanced education, incorporating a wide variety of activities, both inside and outside the classroom, that are planned to promote pupils’ learning and personal development. It encompasses prep tasks, extracurricular activities and opportunities for greater social understanding and empathy, as well as what pupils learn implicitly from the way they are treated and are expected to behave.

Pupils receive:
- Opportunities to learn and make progress.
- Support in preparing for the many opportunities, responsibilities and experiences they will encounter in their lifetimes.
- Opportunities to develop key learning skills:
- Making connections and articulating reasoning.
- Exploring different possibilities and seeking innovative solutions.
- Reflecting upon experiences with a view to planning improvement.
- Showing perseverance and the ability to bounce back quickly from frustration or failure.
- Collaborating productively, within a pair or group.
- Experiences in linguistic, mathematical, scientific, technological, human and social, physical and aesthetic and creative education.
- Subject matter appropriate for their age and aptitude, including those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities and the Gifted and Talented.
- The opportunity to acquire skills in speaking and listening, literacy and numeracy and critical thinking.
- A personal, social, health and citizenship education which reflects the School’s aims and ethos.
- An awareness of career opportunities.
- A grounded perspective alongside the encouragement to achieve.

The curriculum for all pupils comprises of Art, Computing, Design Technology (DT), Drama, English, French, Games, Geography, History, Latin, Mathematics, Music, Physical Education (PE), Personal Social Health and Citizenship Education (PSHCE), Religious Studies (RS) and Science. Other subjects are added at various points throughout pupils’ journey through the School, for example, Ancient Greek, Spanish and Critical Thinking. From September 2020, the curriculum includes STEM, Literature, Archaeology, Mathematical Thinking and Engineering, as part the School’s new Cresco Division.
Detailed summaries of the work covered in each curriculum area are shared with parents on a termly basis, so that they are fully-informed about what their child will be studying.

Beyond the Classroom
The School’s curriculum includes a large variety of wider opportunities beyond academic classroom-based lessons. A high value is placed on out-of-classroom learning opportunities, including educational visits and ventures. Examples include the Year 1 visit to the Scott Polar Research Institute; the Year 3 Evacuee Day at Stibbington; the Year 5 visit to the Stained-Glass Museum at Ely Cathedral; and the Year 8 residential trip to France, as well as a plethora of sporting fixtures. External visiting speakers, including authors, doctors, scientists and politicians regularly make contributions to our provision. A wide variety of after-school clubs support pupils’ wider experience and enriched learning across the whole age range of the School.

The School’s Learning Support Department plays an integral part in ensuring the School curriculum is accessible for all. In consultation with parents and, where appropriate, in collaboration with external professionals, the nature of an individual’s Special Educational Needs and Disabilities is identified and an appropriate programme of support is drawn up. This programme is published as part of a Learning Support Department Pupil Profile, which is implemented by all staff teachers.
Pastoral Care at King’s is at the heart of everything we do and the well-being of the whole child is deeply embedded in our philosophy. King’s College School has a duty of care towards the happiness, safety and security of each child in attendance. Please visit our Pastoral page to find out more about our approach.